sewing needle

sewing needle

Monday, January 11, 2010


I start my journey to Italy Wednesday night of this week, that's pretty scary, being in Europe for two months!I'll be working hopefully. Maybe that will help time go by a bit quicker. Amber (Step Mom) and I will be staying in a hotel for the first week then get our own apartment, thank God.
The thought of not having a cell phone gives me anxiety, I'll be going through some heavy with drawls during these next couple months. It's just too spendy to use on like I do over seas. Bummer. I'm sure Amber will miss the easy connection to people a cell phone gives you as well...whether she says it or not. Ha ha.
I think the trip will be good for me even though it is extremely stressful already and I haven't even left Spokane, but it will be OK. I'm excited for the trip home. I think we are going to Paris, Switzerland, then to London, and back home to Spokane. It'll be nice actually to get travel with out the working part, so I'm really looking forward to that.

Wish me luck. :)


  1. Alysa...lifting prayers up for you. Enjoy. Focus on the moment and the trip home will soon follow. Make a point to find the best in every day and you will see why God lead you there. I wish I was going with you. Love you tons. Auntie DeeDee

  2. We are going to have a great time!!! I'm going to miss the cats more than the phone, though, lol :) See you tonight :)

  3. Thanks Deeds! :D You should come down and visit!
