sewing needle

sewing needle

Sunday, January 31, 2010


The last two days the Internet has been very expensive and acts stupid so it is hard for me to get on, but I am moving to model housing this week and I will have free Internet then!!! YAY!

Anyways, yesterday on the sub-way/metro a man was very much in my space and all over my bum! With more than his hands... that frustrates me about the metro, and then again today 2 men were all over Amber and I, in the same way as the man from yesterday... except the guy today was trying to get in my pockets, and I assume he was coppin' a feel just before trying to take my...... grocery list. Ooooo, what a score, huh? On the metro here there is no limit to how many people can get on. And once we're all packed in like sardines there is no getting away from the "Metro-Butt-Gropers". So on Sundays it is very busy because I was told that Sundays are supposed to be a no driving day, for pollution. But people still do just not as many.

I met a girl who speaks very good English! She is from Holland. Seven years older than me but we went to the markets and shopped together this weekend. It was nice having another model understand what I was saying when I was speaking normally.

Hot guy update: Alfredo, one of the bookers and also a son of the agency's President, whose wife is very good friends with the main guy of the salon where the hot guy works, is going to try to get a hold of him for me! lol... How embarassing. lol.
Who knows how that will go, I imagine that he will be invited to the clubs with ICE and what guy that likes women would pass up partying with a bunch of models at V.I.P status for free???

I need to do some more picture taking... I need to make it a habbit!

One of the driver guys that goes out with the agency freaks me out a bit, I am not sure why but he just seems off to me... and he was apparently a "male model". Yeah, uhm no way could that have been possible!

Thursday, January 28, 2010


Today I was free and had no casting but our Internet was shut down so that was our mission for today and to fix Amber's computer... neither of these we're completely done because no one understands what we are trying to do. lol. Then I fell asleep at 2:00 and I plan to go back to bed soon. I have 4 castings to go to tomorrow.... and then out with the agency! :).

I wish the hot hair dryer guy was going with us.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

hair cut and test shoot

Yesterday I had a test shoot with a woman photographer which was a first for me. It went OK i think just 6 hours long and lots a waiting around... I am curious to see how the pictures turned out. We did four different looks so I will have variety which I need.

Today I got a hair cut, I really didn't want to cut my hair off but t happened and it is now shoulder length, it looks good I just wish it was longer, but oh well, what do you do.
Oh and I have not seen any good looking guys that fit my taste except for about 45 minutes ago the guy that dried my hair was not so bad.... :) lol but spoke no English.

All I have had to eat today is bread, bread, bread... so I am hungry for food but we are out of everything but kale... ewwww.
I will post pictures soon.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

our fist real weekend

We slept our weekend away, I slept for 15 hours in just one night! Never done that before, I feel like a teenage boy.
On Saturday night after waking up at 2 in the after noon we went out with the agency to a couple clubs. Never in my life would I have thought that I'd be V.I.P. in Italian clubs. We went to the Fiat bar/club/lounge first, we had our own section and everything. After a couple of hours of watching crazy people dance we all headed to Club Hollywood, we also were V.I.P. there. It is so weird, there was even a blonde blow up doll being thrown around. It was fun going out but I think I would enjoy it more if i was with a friend or knew some of the other girls better, Amber and I sat there for the most part and watched the people.
I don't know how the agency does that three nights a week, one would be enough for me. And they feed the models pizza! Aren't we supposed to be all scary skinny and such?
Since being here I have eaten way, way, way too much... I need to cut down. Thank God we have to walk everywhere that helps with my weight.

Oh and all of last nights adventures were free! :P

Friday, January 22, 2010

Run down for the last couple days

FYI: We now have Internet! It fails often and doesn't want to connect most of the time.

So, the last few days I've been to 8 or 9 castings. Two days ago Amber and i were chased down by a couple of guys saying they wanted me for a shoot for "Tar" magazine but you always tell people no in situations like that. But we told them my agency.... Next day, the agency says that those guys are legit. So I went to a casting yesterday for them... I really hope I get that job... It would be very cool.

It is very cold here so today i found a really good coat at "Love Therapy" really cute store by the Babila metro stop.

Some castings are an extreme waste of time... Standing outside for a few hours just to have someone look at you for 2 minutes is not worth it, I think in time I will be allowed to leave when i end up at castings like that.

Today at Duomo Station, where the big cathedral is some guy forced popcorn seeds into my hand and I was then attacked by pigeons!!!! It was pretty cool but a bit scary.... I didn't want to get pooped on!!! ( I will try to put some photos up soon) The men asked for 1 euro ... Yeah right were we gonna give them one! For 5 seeds... please.
Tomorrow I have the day off I think. WOOOOO sleep!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

scammer and other things

So the scam... $700 gone 'cause Western union doesn't want to do their job. The apartment guy took it or as he said we did or some else received the money.

Anyways... its very hard to be over here. I don't know how well I can handle it for much longer. lots of walking though. Which is fine. We finally got a place to live but we have nothing. One of my bags went missing and we are hopefully getting it tomorrow. I need it. I had to get my hair done today because we had no shampoo and I had to take some digitals for use on castings and such which I have three of and another shoot tomorrow. We are both pretty tired.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Cinnabon Temptations!!!

I love Cinnabon and right now I'm in the Salt lake airport...they have two Cinnabon Vendors. I've been really strict about the foods I eat to get ready for this trip, leaving me with out the yummy treat. Dare I sabotage my good eating habits??? It's truly killing me, I am stuck here for a few hours, then off to New York.

Crap I have a serious dilemma on my hands!

OH! By the way...we were scammed for $700. Next post will tell all about it.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Leaving Tomorrow

In Idaho today, one more night and I'm off. I'm getting pretty nervous now. We're packed up for the most part...I have a feeling that we may be forgetting something, but we certainly wont know till we're there and can't do anything about it. I'm pretty sure I packed more clothes than I need but hey, you never know . Options, options, options! Amber and I both need more socks. ha ha.

There's a chance we may be renting out the apartment for six months.... meaning summer travels for family and friends???

The cats want to come... they keep getting into our suit cases getting everything all hairy!


Monday, January 11, 2010


I start my journey to Italy Wednesday night of this week, that's pretty scary, being in Europe for two months!I'll be working hopefully. Maybe that will help time go by a bit quicker. Amber (Step Mom) and I will be staying in a hotel for the first week then get our own apartment, thank God.
The thought of not having a cell phone gives me anxiety, I'll be going through some heavy with drawls during these next couple months. It's just too spendy to use on like I do over seas. Bummer. I'm sure Amber will miss the easy connection to people a cell phone gives you as well...whether she says it or not. Ha ha.
I think the trip will be good for me even though it is extremely stressful already and I haven't even left Spokane, but it will be OK. I'm excited for the trip home. I think we are going to Paris, Switzerland, then to London, and back home to Spokane. It'll be nice actually to get travel with out the working part, so I'm really looking forward to that.

Wish me luck. :)