sewing needle

sewing needle

Sunday, February 7, 2010

What to do...?

getting rough here... not because I am alone, cause I am handling things with the agency just fine. But I really feel like coming home. I am not working and I don't see how i can during Fashion week becasue I dont quite meet height requiremens...abd Fashion week is the main thing all the castings are for. Also i am only getting about one casting a day. I went home early friday because i am sick, sometimes i cant get my hands to stop shaking... I am like an old person.

i have been eating very sticktly, lots and lots of veggies and i look like i put on 30 pounds... so thats not cool.

It is a bummer to have this trip work out this way, a lot of money spent, and nothing made. the agency says i have potential but they say that to everyone and there a re girls here that haent gotten work but have been in Milan for 5-6 weeks. I don't under stand why you would waste your time and money being here for so long.

I need to figure out what i am going to do. I will stay for Fashion week castings for sure, just to see maybe a client wants short people... we will see. but after i think i really need to figure out getting home, especially if i dont get any work during this time this season.

Deniece and I went walking around China town and saw a carnival... I really really really wanted to eat the food... they have better stuff than we do, but i didn't. i need to be strict.

We also saw a biker gang today... real scary considering they were on harley peddle bikes lol. They had coats and the whole everything. haha its one of the top photos of this post. :P


  1. Yay for pics!!! What's the fountain? Very pretty :) Wish I was still there--missing the cappuccinos....

  2. Hi Alysa ! We think of you often and are glad to hear that you are coping with all the challenges. We are so proud of how well you are doing. Think about coming over to Seattle to hang out with us sometime this spring(or anytime). Keep up the good attitude and don't starve yourself. Before you know will be on your way home, Love, Janet
